
Welcome to TomBoothMusic.com

TomBoothIt’s beginning to beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Think of it, in 2 months you will only have three days left to get your shopping done. But doesn’t that sound funny now!? After all we have been through with the on-going economic crisis, “shopping days” sounds so out of reality. Sure we all buy things here and there, but the struggles of this past year or two has been a great teacher to all of us. Christmas is about CHRIST and life is about love of self and others – and God. Life is not about stuff, life is not about things, life is not about fame, fortune or getting this or that. Today is a new opportunity to love and serve. We are blessed to be alive and to have the gift of faith. I hope you have a great week. I hope you make good choices for yourself and others. Take time to pray and take time to read and take time to take time… Walk a dog (I would have to borrow one) or just walk yourself. Breathe the air around you and notice those around you as well. Everything belongs, everyone belongs, YOU and I  belong to God.

Blessings to you +


2 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. Tom,
    Great attention to details. The simplicity of the desert flower in the sand is stunning. David, I love the layouts. This site really captures your personality. Outstanding! I will come back and visit your site. God bless you! I am looking forward to seeing you at St. Tim’s Mission next month. Love, Genine Telepak

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