I am glad you have visited the website. I am busily preparing for NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) which will be in Kansas City in November. My role as music director in the arena keeps me “in the pit” which is a great thing! From my vantage point, I get a front row seat for all of the action, watching various young people and others serving God in speech and song. Please pray for our efforts. Kate Cuddy will be leading the choir of teens and many, many people will be serving to make NCYC a place of hope and faith for 20,000 plus young people! Please visit SpiritandSong.com as well when you get a chance. Ike Ndolo, Steve Angrisano and Matt Maher all have new recordings out. They are wonderful, artistic and faith-filled people who are serving the Lord in their own unique way. Also, Choose Christ 2010 (available from SpiritandSong.com) is now available. It is a great option for parishes looking for a wonderful contemporary addition to their hymnal already in the pew. So much “new” is happening. Isn’t that the way of God? – who say’s to us: “See, I make all things new!” Yes, friends even you and I! Amen + Peace and Good – Tom