Asking for your prayers…

I am finishing up a parish mission in Mesa, Arizona this week and then on to New Mexico for a concert and a retreat with Confirmation candidates. I ask for your prayers as I go out in the name of Jesus Christ – the One who saves. I will remember to pray for you and your family. Prayer is the key, prayer is believing and prayer is love incarnate in our hearts.

Thank you for the encouragement from so many of you.

God is faithful – God is enough.

Your brother,


One thought on “Asking for your prayers…”

  1. Hi Tom, I want to thank you for coming home to Mesa for our parish mission. You look the same as you did 15 years ago when we became parishoners. I think this was the first time in a long time we actually planned ahead to make sure we could make it to all three nights. The Breath Prayer is wonderful and I hope to learn more in the future. I also started eating healthier about a month before this mission, but I still struggle at times. It was affirming to hear how a healthy diet and exercise fit into my spiritual life. My wife and I look forward to you coming to visit again in the future. May God Bless you and your family always and give you the strength to continue serving him and the Church for many years to come. Chuck.

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