Easter Greetings!


He is Risen, and with his ascension life is forever different ~ if we choose so.


Spring 2016 Mission Schedule:


St.Andrew the Apostle Catholic / Chandler, AZ
February 27March 1st (Lenten Mission)


St Mary of the Assumption / Northern Kentucky
March 12 – 15 (Lenten Mission)


St. Richard Catholic Church
333 Brookside Drive
Swanton, Ohio 43558
Parish Mission: Mercy, Joy and New Life!
April 2 -4
Church #: (419) 826-2791


Tom will be speaking at the Franciscan Renewal Center (“CASA”)
April 27 – 7pm
5802 E Lincoln Dr
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
@ In Presenza Di (Franciscan Adoration) Service


May 2016


NCCYM Planning Meeting – Minneapolis, Minnesota
Artist Repertoire and Relations Meetings – Portland, OR
OCP/Spirit and Song “Commons” Video Shoot – Dallas, TX